We all come face to face with Temptation at least once a day. However, I’m gonna guess that most of us come face to face with it multiple times a day and sometimes multiple times in an hour, depending on what we are currently going through in our lives.

As a Health Coach, and Trainer, and someone who not only practices living a life with optimal health and well-being, but who teaches her clients to do the same…I KNOW temptation well! Temptation is actually not the monster you may have thought it was up to this point.

In fact, where there is temptation, there is opportunity. Opportunity to align with your highest good, opportunity to conquer what’s in the way of creating the life your heart desires, opportunity to say no to what you don’t want in order to create space for what you DO want, and opportunity to choose what kind of person you want to be and what kind of body and life you want to create! YES…Temptation brings Opportunity.

Every time we face temptation, and we make a conscious choice to align with the Soul, which is the decision that serves our highest good and therefore everyone else’s, WE GAIN MORE AUTHENTIC POWER. We will feel energized, full of light, super happy and joyful, blissful, creative, in love with everything, and absolutely fulfilled. On the flip side, when we do not align with soul, and choose something else…we will lose authentic power and begin to feel weaker, more tired, and less capable.

What do you do in the face of temptation? When you are tempted to choose fear and doubt, to call a certain someone you know isn’t good for you, to eat a poor quality meal, or engage in an activity that will ultimately leave you worse off than you are to begin with, you are actually RECEIVING the opportunity to declare something different for yourself and your life. You are at a crossroads, and you GET to choose. The choices we make are the way in which we converse with the Universe. What we choose to align with tells the Universe our level of willingness to do our part. Therefore, we either give it permission to help us, or we block it from helping us, and create more mess for ourselves in the future.

Having this knowledge helps me many times throughout each day. Instead of reaching out to “that guy” …I don’t. Instead of eating a pizza, I choose something more healthy. When I run into temptation, which is my opportunity to speak to the Universe through my choices, I now KNOW how important it is that I be very clear that I WANT a life full of beautiful relationships with people who love me, support me, respect me, and want to be involved with me. Through my choices, I tell the Universe that I want a lean, sexy, beautiful, healthy, vibrant body, smile, and energy. I tell the Universe that I AM willing to do whatever it takes to be the best version of myself, and to therefore contribute to a happier and healthier world just by shining my own light.

How clear are you being with the Universe? Are your choices in alignment with what you are wanting it to help you with? You have got to do your part. Are you willing???

I would love to hear from you!

