Fitness is not something we seek, but it's a path we choose to live.

Happy Wednesday!

We have all heard the saying “living the good life” right? Well, I don’t know exactly what that means, but I do know what “Living the FIT life” means.

To live a life with optimal health and well-being, it requires a fit mind, body, and spirit right? Therefore, living the FIT life means we are living a life that feels fit in every single way, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. In my experience, a really great place to start is with our bodies and health. It is much easier to stay mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially FIT, when we are feeling physically healthy and fit. In fact it’s pretty much impossible to get more physically fit, without also feeling more joyful, peaceful, abundant, connected, and inspired.

I am aware of how much extra energy and fitness is required of me lately. Whenever we are expanding, reaching outside our comfort zone, and stepping into new power, it requires us to have a greater and deeper amount of strength to endure the new level of intense change. If we are not strong enough for the change we seek, we will most likely not be able to go the distance.

My clients often share with me, how much stronger they feel in their bodies, and how much stronger that makes them feel when they are out in the world, in business meetings, at home with their lover or partner, and in decision making moments.

Living a FIT life means we get to have the strength we need to follow our dreams, walk through our fears, and to exercise our potential. We get to live authentically and do the things that are in alignment with who we really are. To do these things takes courage; strength; mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical fitness; and the willingness to do whatever it take to walk the path of the FIT One.

Choosing to move to Australia is turning out to be a very profitable choice, offering me many gifts. I have been faced with opportunities, possibilities, my fears, and the obstacle of having a million more things to accomplish before I leave, in a very short amount of time.

I am totally aware and in complete gratitude for my level of fitness. You see, if I didn’t live the FIT life, there is no way I could have accomplished half the things I have in my life, and I most certainly would not have the strength to move countries. Today, I get to live a life that I wouldn’t trade for anything. When I experience fear, I have the strength to move through it, and when I see and feel my dreams and possibilities, I have the courage to move toward them.

This is because I love my body. I feed it foods that nurture it rather than abuse it. I think thoughts that serve me rather than hurt me. I shift those negative conversations in my head to more positive ones. I remain willing to always see things differently, and to always feel better about my current situation. I exercise regularly, I listen to my body, and I never stray too far from the FIT path, no matter what.

When you are on the path of living a FIT life, you do not feel deprived, you feel alive. You do not feel lack, you feel abundant. You will never feel like failure is an option, because when you are fit, you know you can do anything, and you will have the strength to get through whatever you have to get through, in order to feel more joy, more peace, and more deep connection and fulfillment in your life.

So, if you aren’t already walking this path, I hope you’ll join me now 🙂

