I am feeling very pulled to talk to you all about SILENCE. I am learning more and more about this myself each day that I am faced with all my daily “To Do’s.” However, over the last year or two, I have made it a conscious effort to add a few minutes or 30minutes, of silent meditation to my list. I am not perfect at doing this every day yet, but I find it makes a big difference to my ability to cope with the noise and business of every day life when I do. To really be in the NOW is not something most of us know how to do, but being in the NOW means being PRESENT, and being present means learning the art of BEING. This brings me lots of joy and refuels me quickly so that I can keep moving with energy I cannot and do not get from sleeping.
Just like a computer needs to be shut down regularly to allow it not to get overloaded, the same goes with our mental and emotional bodies. To truly here our creative voice, or to feel rested in a way that sleep cannot achieve, we must quiet our inner voices and allow the truth of who we are to emerge.
I am a big believer in honoring myself and being kind to myself. You should try it with yourself too. Treating myself with respect means giving myself everything I need, and something I NEED is just a few moments of SILENCE a day. Why not? We are constantly bombarded with noise every second, with the radio, the television, people on their cell phones, background chatter, traffic, etc. You know what I’m talking about. Pay closer attention if you don’t.
We all deserve a little time to ourselves, something that is just ours, not interupted by or shared with anyone else. So let this be your quiet time. Whether that’s in the car with no radio or in your bedroom where the traffic, TV, and roommates/family cannot get to you, just try it. You will be surprised how much you decompress in a very short time.
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you wonder why it’s hard to cope with everything on your p[late? Do you feel like there is always too much to do??? I feel ya, but there is a way out of that suffering. Please leave any questions or comments you have for me here on the blog! I’d love to help you on your journey if I can!!! Here’s To Your Health!!!!