Welcome to the ERIN LANAHAN METHOD Online Studio!
A Thriving Community of BadASS people who love YOGA, EXERCISE, MEDITATION, and enjoy taking care of their mental health, physical wellness, and spiritual fitness…
Hey friends!
Thank you for visiting me here! I’m super excited to share what I have created for you…
We ALL know just how important it is to stay healthy, to focus on things that increase our well-being, and to feel supported through life’s ups and the downs.
I’ll be honest, this vision is something I’ve been dreaming up for YEARS, and I truly feel THE TIME IS NOW to deliver. I look forward to pouring my time, my energy, and everything I’ve learned and studied over the years into supporting your inner (and outer) THRIVE game.
I created the Erin Lanahan Method back in 2009.
It’s a holistic approach to physical wellness, mental health, and spiritual fitness.
In other words, my method addresses the body, the mind, and THE SPIRIT.
They all work together, so we must tend to all three to achieve optimal results THAT LAST.

This space provides:
- Consistent online content that relieves anxiety, decreases stress, and increases your health and happiness vibes
- A nourishing community that impacts your mind, body, and spirit in pure, positive ways, boosting your immune system through uplifting connections, high-vibe content, and creative ways to move your body and elevate your thoughts!
- Opportunities to move your body more, up your self-care, improve your relationships, cultivate daily rituals and practices, and create more of the good stuff in your life.
What will life be like for you when you have unlimited access to online yoga and fitness classes from the comfort of your own home, with a teacher you connect with and trust? What will it be like to take the commute time out of your daily routine and simply hop online to find the perfect class for your body and mood?
Right now (ok ALWAYS), so many of us can benefit from a community to turn to where we feel safe to come as we are, inspired to be our best, supported through life’s ups and downs, motivated by incredible people living incredible lives, encouraged to shift our FOCUS in the direction of well-being, and to SHOW UP as the most wonderful version of ourselves. We all want to feel more love, laughter, hopefulness, strength, resourcefulness, resilience, and JOY, right?
I believe that your FOCUS is truly your superpower.
You can create just about anything with it, so it’s important to use it for your highest good. I’m not here to tell you what YOUR highest good is, but rather to be a pillar of light reminding you and reflecting back to you what you already know deep inside when you wobble, waiver, or all together forget.
ABSOLUTELY FREE for the first 14 days!
( then $27.00 USD a month )
I invite you to join us in the E.L.M. Studio, a online community where you’ll have a kick-ass, mindful, heart-centered, supportive tribe that helps you keep your physical fitness, mental health, and spiritual wellness in check!
Here’s What’s Included When You Join
★ A PRIVATE Community (hosted in Facebook) of loving humans who, just like you, want to thrive and move through life (and COVID-19) with as much grace, strength, support, and resourcefulness as possible.
★ Unlimited Access to over 140 classes that include: yoga classes, core cardio classes, circuit training classes, journaling practices, guided meditations, and BEYOND. These classes are designed to keep you moving, flowing, healthy, strong, and resilient in mind/body/spirit!
★ Opportunities for one-on-one Coaching and special discounts on programs and services offered outside the E.L.M. Community.
★ Content that keeps you jazzed up about your goals, your progress, and your life! (Maybe even a dance party now and then 😜)
★ Occasional Special Live classes happening on Zoom.
★ LIVE Zoom Classes will be recorded and shared in video format within the private FB Community as well as in our membership site once class ends, so if you miss class, no worries. You can do it later! You’ll gain access to your own 24/7 on demand, personal archive of yoga, fitness, meditation, journaling classes, and BEYOND!
The LIVE Class Schedule:
Members will receive special invites from me, to attend special LIVE classes throughout the year.
I believe in the POWER of meting up on video/in person, to move on our mats TOGETHER. The group energy is such a transformation experience for everyone involved 🙂
However, you will find over 140 classes available to you 24/7 ON DEMAND!
This means that you can take your health and well-being into your own hands and pick the perfect class for your unique schedule and needs.
You can also LEAN IN to our private Facebook group for support, to share your wins, and to ask for help if you need some extra motivation and/or inspiration!
ABSOLUTELY FREE for the first 14 days!
( then $27.00 USD a month )
Will this increase good vibes in your life?
Will this help you stay accountable to your fitness and yoga goals?
Will this elevate the quality of your daily life?
Will this help you grow spiritually so you always feel that Loving Connection to God/Source/Universal Intelligence flowing in your life?
Become a member of the Erin Lanahan Method Community!
Once you register, you’ll receive an email with more information, so you can jump right over to our private FB Community and introduce yourself!!!
ABSOLUTELY FREE for the first 14 days!
( then $27.00 USD a month )
Please feel free to email me at [email protected] with questions, suggestions, comments, or concerns.
I’m happy to help you make whatever decision supports your best and highest good.
AND, if you’re just like “YES PLEASE, I’LL HAVE SOME OF THAT!!” Then you’re in good hands!
Get ready to bask in all the good vibes.
Looking forward to seeing you on the other side!
Peace, Love, and a Great BIG Hug,
About Erin
I am a spiritual life coach, a writer, a yoga teacher, a peace warrior, a love soldier, and one heck of an optimist!
I am dedicated and devoted to being a contribution on this planet, and to helping you activate your radical, magical self.