Hey everyone…it’s been a little while! Last week totally got away from me and I just realized I haven’t blogged since Thanksgiving…eeek! I guess I have been enduring a silent phase. I find these phases are a natural part of one’s progression and transformation. I know for me, there are times when I’m very “out there” and externally generating and creating, and then there are the times when I am a little more quiet, a little more internal. It’s as if I need time to allow all the new information I am currently receiving, to download and have the time to be digested, assimilated, and integrated. That is where I have been…downloading, digesting, assimilating, and integrating. How about you? For me, the challenge is always staying grounded. Do you know what I mean? When we are expanding and our consciousness is raising as a result of our self-development and healthy habits, what inevitably happens is a routine “house cleaning.” When we come more into alignment with source energy, the universe, and with our purpose, what is no longer in alignment with us MUST FALL AWAY. This can feel like our world is literally flipping upside-down. That is why it is important to do what we can to stay grounded. I find that I can really anchor myself in certain things such as doing what I know I CAN do rather than focusing on what I CANNOT do.

There are the tools we have collected along the way, that keep us inspired, nurtured, healthy, and feeling loved. What are these things for you? When times are challenging, in any way, good or bad, it is easy for us to justify not taking care of ourselves because we are “too busy” or have to deal with “bigger issues” or “can’t afford it.” However, the truth is…when times are tough, the MOST productive thing we can do is keep ourselves healthy, feeling good, and therefore taken care of. There are plenty of ways to take care of ourselves that are not expensive. Also, when we stay committed to living a healthy life, we will always find that our healthy habits or “tools” help us access more energy rather than less, and we are therefore more capable of getting the tasks at hand, and then some, accomplished. For me, the most important and beneficial thing I can do to support myself through the duration of a transitional period, is to PICK UP MY TOOLS!

What are your tools? Some of mine are, eating food that loves me back, like lots of organic fruits and veggies;drinking lots of water and taking my supplements;exercising at least 4 times a week;staying connected to my blog;reaching out to friends to share with another person what I am going through;scheduling at least 1 day/night in a week to do something fun that has nothing to do with work or self-development or spirituality;praying;meditation;surrounding myself with healthy, positive people;reaching my hand out to someone else in need; and participating in groups that support what I am doing in my career life and personal life. I find that COMMUNITY is a HUGE resource and tool to turn to when life is doing its thing:-) There are many things I CANNOT do. There are definitely things I CANNOT control…but these are the things I CAN take responsibility for. I can stay focused on them, lean into them, and anchor my feet in them when the ground beneath me is falling away. When our current foundation falls away, it was never that strong to begin with. When the new one is laid…we will have more security, stability, and safety. This is exactly what we want. YES?

I hope you all are staying warm, dry, authentic, but most importantly…grounded. Worry no more…We are exactly where we are supposed to be.

Stay with it…Live Strong:)
