Hello Everyone! How are you? I hope you are inviting in your opportunities today. In my last post, called What Being Fit Means To Me, I said I’d be back to write this article, so here I am 🙂  I talked about the Vacuum Law of Prosperity in that post (so check it out if you haven’t already), and I gave you access to a cool clip on You Tube that I found interesting, informative, and applicable. So…What are you holding on to that needs to be released? Like the Vacuum Law of Prosperity states…we must clear the way, to create a vacuum, so the universe has space to deliver something new.

Over the weekend, I applied this Law  to my life in many ways. I began taking inventory of the people, places, and things that I had been unwilling to let go of up to that point. I noticed how much stuff I had lying around, filling up drawers, closet, and my brain. I decided to give my house a complete makeover and I vowed that I was finally ready to LET GO of the past. I was ready to uncover, discover, and discard. So all day Sunday I went through drawers, closets, bags, piles of papers on my desk, and I was brutal! As I tossed things into the “GO” pile, I noticed how each thing, whether it was an old photo, a card of birthdays past, an old plane ticket, a pair of shoes an ex bought me, or a jacket I bought myself  for my first job, there were feelings attached.  A lot began to surface for me. I took a trip down memory lane and it stirred up all the feelings attached to those periods in my life. That’s when I realized the power of clearing out and making space. It’s not just  about the stuff. It’s about the energy the stuff creates in our environment. These things of the past are like anchors, keeping parts of our consciousness where it use to be. As I cleared and cleansed my house, I cleared and cleansed my heart, my soul, my mind, and my body. I not only made space in my external world, but I created space in my internal world, and I made a very clear statement to the Universe that says “YES I am available, open, and ready to receive your gifts”. I believe that our external world is a reflection of our internal world, so I couldn’t deny that my house was mirroring back to me, all the people, places, and things that I was remaining emotionally attached to and unwilling to release. As I took a look around, and noticed that every nook and cranny of my place was filled, I could see why I’d been making it so difficult for the new to enter my life. Actually, a lot of the stuff I had, was not anything I even really wanted or used anymore. It’s just that I had always been afraid that if I threw it all away, I wouldn’t get anything better to replace it, and then I’d have nothing. This fear was coming from Limiting Beliefs and LACK. I was basically telling the Universe that I didn’t trust it to bring me something better, and so of course it could not. I have NEVER filled so many trash  bags, at one time, in my life! For whatever reason, I was ready…ready to let go and let God. Today, I sit here, open, available, aware, full of space, and in awe of the gifts that are already pouring in. I am grateful…oh so grateful.

What are you holding on to that needs to be released? If you are feeling stuck or like you just cannot move past certain patterns and behaviors, consider letting go of the things that are sitting around, both internally and externally, that no longer serve your highest good. I’d love to hear your thoughts and process around this. Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vacuum Vitality!

If you seek Health Coaching, please email me at [email protected].

Happy Holidays!
