Happy Saturday! Today I’ve been a little sleepy, because I was out late last night having FUN! It was well worth feeling a bit low energy today. It has also got me thinking…when we are really connected to what we want to create for our lives, we get pulled into action even on the low energy days. As I sit here in Starbucks at 430pm on a Saturday afternoon…I am realizing, that this would NOT be happening if I was not so tuned in, tapped in, and turned on to my life’s purpose and mission. When we are motivated by passion, we GET to feel inspired no matter what we may feel like each day. I think that’s really cool. I use this tool for everything. Some days, when I may not feel like working out, I tell myself, just do a gentle workout and do it ONE EXERCISE AT A TIME. I make an effort to really tune in to the vibration of what it is I want in the long run, and then I have the luxury of making a choice that is most in alignment with that. I have to admit, working out vs rest on a tired day is not always what I pick. My main concern is choosing what is the best and most supportive of my “bigger picture.” Some days my bigger picture goal is going to require I have more endorphins that day or that I get in a good sweat, and other days it will require less movement, and more internal exploration such as meditation and rest.

Today, my bigger picture requires me to reach out, share where I am at, and to connect with as many people as I can. It requires that I be in humble gratitude for all that I have created thus far, and for all that I will be able to give and receive in my life. So you see, regardless of if we are tired or not, if we are really connected to our bigger picture goals, then we can set our smaller picture goals up in such of a way that they really support the vision we have for our lives.

What is your bigger picture goal today?

Lots of Love,
