I feel like sharing with you something that comes up a lot when I am in Health Coaching sessions with clients. Through working with me, my clients have learned that there is more to being fit than just exercise and food, but that food and exercise help us do those other things in our lives that we require to truly feel happy, joyous, and free. For example, so many of us want the car, the house, the boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife, the abundance to travel freely, the six (or seven) figure income, the hot clothes, the watch, the designer shoes, etc. We want them so badly, that we may slave for hours at a job we hate, go on diets that basically starve us and hurt our bodies, we bend over backwards to people please, and when it’s all said and done, we go home empty hearted and exhausted.
What I have found in my own life experience and through working with others, is that instead of focusing on how to attain and achieve all these external things, it is much more effective to shift and narrow our focus. If we direct our attention toward our mental/emotional, spiritual, and physical well being…the rest will unfold before our very eyes. I have seen it time and time again. So, for example, when we change the things we CAN change immediately, such as what we eat and how we spend our time, and do the things that honor our minds, bodies, and spirits, we begin to stand taller, smile more, get a little more bold on the dance floor, and step outside our comfort zone. This is because we feel good as a result from getting well, and therefore, as we feel good from the inside out, we look really good to the outside looking in. That’s when we begin to attract, and pull to us, that which our hearts desire. Even better yet…that’s when we achieve everything we never knew we always wanted!!!
So if you are out there making yourself crazy, trying to create this perfect life through acquiring external things, stop. Just make it easier for yourself and bring your attention back to yourself. What honors your body? When is your spirit happy and joyous? What makes you feel free and alive? Staying fit through proper nutrition and exercise will make it easier for you to do the things that make you happy, and as a result of doing what makes you happy on the inside, you will get to have all the promises that come along with it. I would love to hear your thoughts! We can all learn from each other! Please leave your questions and comments here for me on the blog!
As a Health Coach I help my clients menu plan, find exercise they love, I coach them through the obstacles in their lives that are making them feel stuck, I help them increase their energy, confidence, and personal power, and I help them decrease lack, limitations, and stress from their daily living. If you would like to know more about my services and how they might benefit you, please contact me at ELM.Coaching@yahoo.com for a FREE Health Coaching Consultation. Here’s to your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!