Here are your three fitness tips for the week:

1) Break free from the dark and KNOW where your food comes from. We the people must vote, with our forks and our dollars, for acceptable and exceptional food quality and humane animal treatment in this country. Know what you are eating and what you are buying. Watch this video, Meet Your Meat, to gain some education about the food you put into your mouth and to learn a little bit about what is happening on Factory Farms. Expand…grow…learn…the time for change is NOW. Let’s raise the bar for ourselves and our children!


2) Think of one thing you do the same every week or day in and day out. Do you ever consider changing it up or improving? Why not? Let go of old ways of thinking and access awareness. Break FREE from your lack and limiting beliefs…they are old stories that do not serve you any longer. Try something you think you cannot do and just keep saying “Wait…What if I CAN?”


3) Get on the ORGANIC, WHOLE FOOD train. I am serious…this is your health, your life, and the future of our race and planet I am talking about. Eliminate the pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics you consume daily through your food. This is an outrage. Buy as much organic fruits and veggies as you can. If you eat meat, make sure it is organic, free roaming, grass fed, antibiotic free, hormone free, and pesticide free. You will thank me for it later.

If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the food you are consuming, please email me right away at [email protected]. We cannot depend on our government, or anyone else for that matter, to make these changes for us. It is up to us to speak with our actions and empower ourselves with knowledge. The more we know, the more power and opportunity for wellness we have. As I said before, the time for change is NOW.

That’s a wrap for this week. Take a deep breath and let these Tips sink in. I am here to listen, help and guide you, and to support you. Let’s get healthy and stay that way! Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!!!