Hello! How are you doing this week? I know there is a lot coming up for pretty much all of us right now, especially around the Holidays. I just got back from seeing Marianne Williamson speak, which was awesome. She speaks every Tuesday night in Hollywood. We are so lucky here in Southern California! However, I am well aware that all of us, everywhere, are lucky. Recently I have really been noticing how many tools we have available to us and for us, that are there to assist us in these times. Yes, we all know that we are living in different times now than ever before. We all need extra help, support, and resources, so it is no coincidence that we are witness to so many opportunities that offer us growth, expansion, development, healing, and AWAKENING.

Yes, I said AWAKENING. Everything happening “to us” and “around us” is actually happening FOR US. EVERYTHING is a tool for us, urging us to take a look inside and take an inventory of what we are carrying around with us. We all have many emotions and thought patterns that we know do not serve us, or anyone else for that matter, and therefore it’s just time to let them go. The Universe, Spirit, God, our higher selves, WANT us to be transformed…to experience all the love, beauty, peace, joy, and abundance that is our birth right. The energies in the Universe are getting more and more intense, and we all are feeling it! We are being directed right into all of our B.S., that we need to release for the greater good’s sake. What we think, how we show up in the world, and whether we stay bitter or get better, effects more than just ourselves. It is not about ourselves anymore…its is about the way in which we as individuals contribute to and effect the whole, the oneness, the collective. This is a time to stop blaming each other for this or that, and to take full responsibility for everything that we are experiencing. Then, it is our responsibility to allow ourselves to really feel what we are experiencing so we don’t have a need to attach to it any longer, and can let it go. When we hold on to things, we grow resentments and our minds create stories around them, making us miserable. So instead of doing that which you KNOW does not work…embrace this awakening process. Embrace everything you truly are, and find your voice, your own unique self expression. There are so many books, retreats, audio books, websites, blogs, classes, meditations, prayers, meet up groups, music, and organizations we can invite into our lives, that will fully support us in our growth. We have the choice to seek out loving environments, food that loves us, people who love us, and the experiences that help us heal rather than abuse us. You have the choice. What is it going to be? Are you going to eat foods that hurt you, or foods that love you back? Are you going to blame someone else for your “unhappiness” or are you going to look inside and ask yourself “How might this person be mirroring me? What are they showing me about myself that needs healing? How might I grow, evolve and awaken as a result of this experience?” This is a time to embrace our awakening, a time for healing, within us and without.

“All things are lessons God would have you learn.” – A Course in Miracles

I am happy to provide you with resources, information, and support. I believe we are all meant to be healthy and amazing, happy, joyous, and free, but no one can do this alone. Please leave all your questions and comments here for me on the blog 🙂 I am walking this path with you all, and I am humbly grateful for that.

If you seek coaching, please email me at [email protected].

Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vitality. Here’s To Your AWAKENING!

Good night my beloved family,

Here is a little clip of Marianne…she is a great resource for the support you may be seeking to truly embrace all that you truly are!
