I’ve been doing a lot of contemplating, retreating, receiving, recharging, and letting go lately. This seems to be a natural progression, and what inevitably follows every peak of inspiration, every week of endless energy, and every seed of boundless creativity. Yes…after a phase of really putting myself out there, I always find myself back to the drawing board, surrendering everything I once thought I knew, and instead, accepting that I know nothing at all.
I am learning how important it is, that we really ALLOW every energy phase of life’s natural cycle, to play itself out. What we tend to do is judge ourselves or our lives, when things are not moving at the pace we think they should, or when we are not being as productive or social as we are “supposed to be.”
The truth is, every phase of every cycle we go through is essential to our optimal development. When we judge any part of it, we prevent ourselves from truly experiencing the entire ride.
It’s just like waves in the ocean. They go up and they come down. They flow in and they flow out. No part of their cycle is wrong, in fact ever part of it is natural, beautiful, and perfect.
I urge you to think of yourself in the same way, and to think of your life in this way. Honor yourself wherever you currently are in your energy cycle, and let that be enough. Trusting your process is not always easy, but when you are able to, you will be in ALLOWING mode, and therefore you will surf the waves of life rather than sink under the pressure of the fear that is a result of your judgments of the “down phases.”
You choose. The way you perceive things will ultimately affect your entire life. We get to choose the way we interpret our current levels of energy, circumstances, experiences, etc. Do you want to surf or sink? It’s up to you.
In order to live a FIT Life, we must approach our lives with a FIT Consciousness. Having a FIT Consciousness means we are aware and able to perceive life as happening FOR us rather than against us. This awareness comes baring many gifts, opportunities, blessings, and joy.
How do you live a FIT Life? I’d love to hear from you 😉