by Erin Lanahan | Oct 25, 2010 | Art, Fitness, Food, Thoughts of the day, What I'm up to
Ahhhh tonight I am just sipping tea, breathing and relaxing to the sounds of the joy calmly moving through my veins, my lungs, and my heart. Every cell in my body is full, and emanating with love, light, and pure gratitude for my life. I am realizing that no matter...
by Erin Lanahan | Oct 22, 2010 | Fitness, Food, Mind Body Spirit Thursday, Thoughts of the day, What I'm up to
Today I had a pretty in-depth session with a client. She is struggling with a few things. Pretty much her entire life she has battled with feelings of unworthiness unless she can make a “BIG SPLASH” in her life. I think so many of us feel the same way. We...
by Erin Lanahan | Oct 19, 2010 | Favorite Quotes, Fitness, Food, Thoughts of the day, What I'm up to
“I am safe in the Universe and all of life loves and supports me.” – Louise Hay Today I must say, has been a good day. Yes, I am thankful, grateful, and appreciative for this day. I ate a nutritious shake for breakfast, I got to train a couple...
by Erin Lanahan | Oct 14, 2010 | Fitness, Food, Thoughts of the day, What I'm up to
Today I have been thinking a lot about my relationship with fitness. Essentially what this means is, I have been thinking about my relationships with food, exercise, my body, relationships with others, my career, my passions, my clients, my purpose, my message, my...
by Erin Lanahan | Oct 6, 2010 | Fitness, Food, What I'm up to
To get to the other side, we must face the challenge at hand. Well, I don’t know about you, but this weather is really resonating with me right now. After all the heat and dryness last week, this feels like such a treat! The rain feels so cleansing to the air...