by Erin Lanahan | May 6, 2010 | Fitness, Food, Mind Body Spirit Thursday
I think its important to make sure people understand that being “thin” does not always mean being healthy. Our society is so HYPER-focused on skinny, and we tend to get brainwashed as a result. Eating a diet that consist of whole grains, lean proteins,...
by Erin Lanahan | May 6, 2010 | Fitness, Food
Which Way Are You Going??? Hello there! How are you feeling today? Do you realize that our bodies are such amazing, brilliant , intelligent, and wise organisms that really tell us everything we need to know? Therefore, if you are not already, I urge you to begin to...
by Erin Lanahan | Apr 29, 2010 | Fitness, Food, Thoughts of the day, What I'm up to
Hi there! Man, I have missed you guys. I took a week off last week, from blogging and writing my newsletter, because I have had so much on my plate lately! However, as a result of my mini break, I have a whole new appreciation for this delightful mug of peppermint...
by Erin Lanahan | Apr 16, 2010 | Fitness, Food
Today was an interesting day. I was reminded that so often, positive and healthy transformation, is a result of doing things we DON”T WANT TO DO…at least initially. Does this resonate with you? If you haven’t noticed, almost everything “good...
by Erin Lanahan | Apr 9, 2010 | Fitness, Mind Body Spirit Thursday, Thoughts of the day, Uncategorized
Hey there my beautiful friend. How are you feeling today? I really would like to know what’s going on with you? What’s New? What’s Good? I ask you what is new and good because it can be so easy to get too focused on what’s old and bad. We all...