Hey everyone, I’d like to introduce a special guest today, Jan Elpers. Jan is a friend and colleague of mine and I’ve asked her to share with us some of her insight based on the experiences she has had in her career and personal life.  Jan has a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology and is a Certified Massage Therapist and Health Coach.  She does a variety of therapeutic treatments for body and mind.  For over 20 years she has assisted people toward having greater health and well being.  Her specialties include Aromatherapy, Detox Body Wraps, Reflexology, Spiritual Counseling, and Coaching people on their journey to achieving their highest health. I feel she is an inspiration to us all and has something to offer that everyone can benefit from. Please read below! Here’s To Your Health!!!


By: Jan Elpers, M.A.

Ever notice how great people look in their vacation photos?  They seem so relaxed and tan with generous smiles. They look younger, happier and healthier.  Why?  One reason is the power of relaxation, laughter and FUN!  I know many stories of good things happening to people upon returning because of that “vacation magic” at work. 

Many years ago I went to Mexico with a girlfriend for vacation.  This was after a challenging couple of years completing my master’s degree while working full-time.  In that time I was longing for a nice relationship, but didn’t have much time to date and not many offers were coming my way anyway.  So off we went to Puerto Vallarta to enjoy the things we love. After all, I love the ocean, sun, sights, water skiing, dancing, music & great meals. What could be better.  After just one week I returned tanned, relaxed, happy and more connected to my true self and my femininity.  I was just beaming with happiness!  I got asked out 4 times that week!  My sense of fun and playfulness was infectious.

I’ve seen this renewal in many others as well.  My sister returned from a Florida vacation looking absolutely beautiful and rejuvenated, as did other friends.  I think a huge percentage of Facebook “personal profile photos” must be a vacation pic, mine included.

Let’s face it, most of us feel good on vacation.  We’re doing things we love (hopefully), playing, nurturing ourselves with lots of FUN, exercise, and hopefully some lovin’ too.  And it looks good on us!

So why not cultivate that vacation energy all year long?  I know – we work, have obligations, chores, kids, deadlines, goals, homework and more.  Keeping on top of our busy lives can be challenging in itself – and I’m suggesting vacation energy?  It can be easier than you think.

What is it about a vacation that encourages our creativity, refuels our energy, and nurtures our spirit.  Is it being in nature?  Seeing interesting or historical sites?  Eating at wonderful restaurants? Experiencing a great concert or show?  Dancing with abandon?  Those all sound good to me.  So why not try to import some nurturing fun into our daily lives?

Just pick 1 or 2 or 3 activities and see if you can fit them into your week or day off.  Pick something that is appropriate to the season and your budget.  Be creative.  Find ways to vacate & rejuvenate.

For example, I just LOVE the sun and water.  When I was back from my vacation this summer I didn’t have time to take a whole day to swim and lay by the pool with a good book, but I did have time to go to my local pool for an hour and a half to swim laps and rest in the sun a bit.  I chose this instead of going to the gym.  I got my exercise in and tuned up my fading tan.  I got a little of that vacation glow.

I believe that when you really tune in to your Self, choose what nurtures you on a basic self level, and do that as a conscious reward, the payoff will be huge.  When we listen inside and come up with a creative solution to nurturing ourselves, it can bring greater happiness and health.  I find I am more willing to work and be productive when I’m listening to my-Self and taking care of me.  By filling up my own tank with a few rewarding activities, specifically chosen for me on a particular day, its value is priceless.  A well
chosen hour and a half can go a long way in energizing ourselves. Moments on track can be more valuable that a double espresso or a handful of vitamins to perk us up.

What we want and crave will change from day-to-day.  Next week I might
want to see a chick flick with my Mom & sister, or maybe go to a rock concert with my sweetie.  So here’s to continuing that vacation energy all year long!

In good health,
Jan Elpers,  M.A.

(310) 850-7366

[email protected]