Here are your three fitness tips for the week:  

1) Allow yourself to be where you are. Whatever you are feeling is OK! We so often want to run away from what we feel inside and therefore prolong it from passing through. As a result, we suffer in many ways. We may eat more, not work out, feel anxious and depressed because we are judging ourselves for not being capable enough or normal enough. Just FEEL IT. Embrace your reality NOW. You are allowed to be imperfect.

2) Stop comparing yourself to other people…you have no idea what their journey is about. Unless you are doing something nice for another…keep the focus on yourself. The world is a better place if we are all happy, so stop using others as a distraction from working on yourself. What can you do to be a happier person??? Do it!

3) Create an esteemable life. What is 1 thing that will make you stand taller, smile bigger, that will inspire you to step outside of your comfort zone and make bold moves? When we do esteemable acts, like eat clean and nutrient rich foods, exercise regularly, and take time for ourselves to enjoy our lives…we start to feel our self-worth go up. When you feel like a million dollars you are much more likely to manifest a million dollars!

That’s a wrap for this week. If I don’t see you Monday night at my talk…then come back and visit me here :)You can also meet me in your inbox every Friday in you sign up for my weekly Fitness Tips Newsletter! Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!