Good day, or if you are in Australia…Good Evening. It is 10:30 pm here and I have had a very long day. Being here at this retreat centre, on The Mornington Peninsula, doing the work I am doing, with the people I am working with, is a beautiful thing. It is a beautiful thing  for a couple of reasons. First, it is full of meaning, purpose, and it challenges me daily to expand into new areas and ways of thinking and being. Second, it kicks up all my deepest fears, resentments, lack and limiting beliefs, and is really testing me to look beyond what’s in front of me, to feel my feelings deeply, but to remember that this experience is something I created for only ONE reason. That reason is to reclaim my power back.

As spiritual beings, having human experiences, we have hidden our power on purpose. It’s like a game for our soul, or like watching a movie. The only problem is, sometimes we forget we are playing a game or that we are watching a movie. We are such powerful creators, that most of us have actually have fooled ourselves into believing all of this is real. This was thew whole point, however…to forget we are all-powerful, and to go on an easter egg hunt to find the golden egg full of our truest essence.

Some of us hid our power behind having no money. Some of us in addiction. Others of us in bad relationships and a fear of intimacy or committment. Then there are those of us (like me ), who have hidden a little bit of power in all those things. The reason why circumstances such as getting fired, or having no car, or getting dumped, or ending up with super open partners, or finding ourselves in abusive situations pop into our experience, is because our power lies within the feelings they call up in us. Most people never really allow themselves to FEEL their feelings. However, these experiences will keep showing up until we do. Our spiritual selves have set this up to recur until we finally get it, because we all have come here to find the prize, the golden egg, the thing we call POWER.

As we feel through our feelings FULLY such as lack, limitation, fear of loosing our freedom, fears of being alone, fears of dying, etc, we will get closer to our power. If we can allow ourselves to feel these things fully AND at the same time remind ourselves none of it is real, then we are well on our way to reclaiming our power. When we get to the point where we can notice these feelings as they emerge, allow ourselves to feel them fully, remind ourselves that our circumstances aren’t really real, and then appreciate our own ability to create something that feels so real even we fell for it, that’s when we become available to receive the power we have hidden from ourselves.

Awareness is power. As we become aware, we awaken. As we awaken into the knowing that our power has been with us all along, then we can reclaim it. By reclaiming it, we are then able to pop anything we want into our experience. We will remember we can create whatever we want, whenever we want. Now how cool would that be???

This is where I am. As I feel the intense feelings throughout any given day, I know too much to let myself get carried away by them. My immediate thought is “I must go process this, and I must feel these feelings fully so I can find the power I have hidden in this.”

The more I do this work, the richer my life becomes. I think you will find the same thing happen for you.

Let me know what’s happening for you and how you are getting though it.

Lots of support from me to you!



P.S. just another short video clip I shot, to stay connected with you as we travel this journey we call life! xo
