Hey guys, man what a commitment this has been…to sit down night after night and find the gold in each day and to express it in words. I do think about this stuff all the time. It’s like every moment I am looking deeper, and finding such abundance in every challenge and triumph.

I am really going through some pretty heavy stuff the last couple days. Although all of it is good, and will ultimately serve my highest good, it feels really confronting and can be exhausting by the end of the day. As much as I have wanted to just climb into bed some nights and skip blogging, I don’t. Even if I write something short and simple, I still do it because I committed to myself, to you, and to blogging consecutively for  21 days. I can happily say that I stick by my commitments these days, rain or shine, and although it’s not always easy, it feels right.

Committment has taught me so much. The fear of it, and ultimately the doing of it. I have discovered that sometimes, the only thing to teach us about committment, is to make commitments and then show up for them no matter what. As we show up over and over, we begin to feel empowered and happy about being the kind of person that follows through on their word. To me this means a lot, because I used to be someone who did not follow through very often with my word. However, sticking by my commitments has taught me that my mind makes things sound a lot worse than they really are. When I take contrary action I actually find so much joy in things I thought were going to be painful. Showing up for yourself and for others creates an esteemable life.

It’s also important not to show up for others expecting certain responses or acknowledgment, because you will never be able to depend on how you affect others or whether or not you are received by them. All we can do is show up for the up in the world as the best version of ourselves we can bring to the table on any given day, and whoever needs us will be there to appreciate us.

I am here each night, as a gentle reminder to be loving and kind to yourself. We are all experiencing intense emotions and are being very confronted by our fears, our relationships, and our beliefs about everything as we move closer to this big shift in consciousness I have been writing about. This is OK. There is nothing to fear. Everything is healing and we are moving into a unity consciousness, where we will bask in more joy, abundance, peace, and love.

Here’s to Oneness.

