OK this week I want to be short and sweet. I was in a major car accident Sunday so I have been a little bit shaken the last few days and gotten a bit off track with things in order to deal with the circumstances at hand. All is well however, life is good, and Tuesday is here and now. Just so you know and remember, I am not a nutritionist. I am however, an experienced survivor and accomplished participant of the fitness industry, but what I suggest are merely “suggestions” and I’m just telling you what works for me. Everyone is different, and ultimately to find what food combinations (example protein, carb, fat ratios) work for YOU, it does come down to trial and error, and patience with the process as you learn what works best for YOU.  It’s just as important to know what DOESN’T work for you too.

What I have found to be a great daily meal plan for me is as follows. I would suggest men take in twice the serving sizes I do, but again everything does depend on the individual and his/her goals. For more individualized help, please contact me personally in the comment section or Q&A section. See below for my Monday-Friday meal faves!!!

Typically, I get up and have 1/4th cup of old fashion oats (from Traders Joe’s), with 1/4th cup blueberries, and 1 tbsp of flax seed oil, all stirred, heated, and mixed together. I also have 4 egg whites scrambled with cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and other spices/herbs of my daily choice:) This is truly my breakfast of champions, as it really gets me going. On the days I do morning cardio early, I wait to eat breakfast until after I do cardio. Stay tuned for Workout Wednesday where I will talk specifically about my weekly workout schedule and daily routines.

For my next snack I typically have a protein shake, and lately I’ve been at work and what’s been easiest for me is a half of a Muscle Milk shake (about 130 calories, 13 gms protein, 6 carbs, 4.5 gms fat)

Next, I am usually still out and about so I have the other half of my Muscle Milk.

Once I am home around 3 0r 4 pm, I typically have about 1/2 cup mixed veggies, 1/4 cup brown rice, and 4 oz of lean meat (usually tuna or white fish). I also use about 2 tblspns of olive oil, chili pepper, garlic powder, and other spices/herbs I may be in the mood for that day (as long as they don’t have any sodium).

About 2 hours later, depending on the time, I either have dinner, or if its a night I’m eating dinner later, I’ll have 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese, and/or a half of an avocado.

For dinner I have about 2-3 cups of greens (example: broccoli, spinach, asparagus, green beans, etc) mixed with mushrooms, 2 tbsp olive oil, spices and herbs. I will put that with 4-6 oz of fish, or the occasional piece of meat (I typically eat mostly fish, very little meat).

Some nights I’ll eat a snack, but typically I don’t need it. I like to eat half an apple with a serving of all natural peanut butter or almond butter, or a serving of low glycemic milk chocolate that I buy at Trader Joe’s (it’s really gooood!!!) 

I ALWAYS aim to drink at least 3 liters of water per day.

So this is what I do often. I also eat a lot of wheat grass when I can, as well as other healthy treats. I’d love to help you figure out things that work for you as well, so please let me know if you have questions!!! Post ALL questions/comments here on the blog please!!!!!  Here’s to your health:)