As I sit here today and ponder this topic,  I ask for the guidance I need to deliver this message to you in the way it has been delivered to me. This is a message I am always excited to share, and  I have been asked by thousands of people over the years, how I have achieved the level of peace, love, vitality, and fitness I experience every single day.

Peace, Love, and YOUR Perfect Body.

First of all, let me begin by making sure we are clear about a few things. When I say “YOUR Perfect Body” this means that I am about to help you begin to really find true appreciation for YOUR body, the way it is RIGHT NOW.

We all are born with different body types, and we are MEANT to look and be different in our own unique ways. I like to think of this like trees. Trees are all different heights, widths, colors, and shapes, and their differences are what make up amazing, interesting, and beautiful landscapes. We would get bored if they all looked the same yes?

It’s the same with us, only we forget to look at ourselves through a bigger picture pair of eyes. Each one of us plays an important role, an important part in the overall landscape of life, and therefore the ways in which we may be shorter, taller, thicker, or thinner, is a result of who we are and what we’ve come here to do. These are the characteristics that we should love and adore, not hate.

This is not an excuse to be unhealthy however. No way. This is simply to understand the importance of accepting the body type, height, and shape you were born with. Accept what it is, and then make a conscious choice to be the healthiest, happiest, hottest version of yourself from the inside out!

For example, I am 5’3, and bit of the thicker, more muscular build. I have big brown eyes, blonde hair that never grows longer than my shoulder blades, and my calves have been big since I was a toddler!

I will NEVER be 5’10 with long , thick dark hair, have blue eyes, long thin legs, or calves that can fit in the really sexy knee-high boots that don’t have a zipper. That’s just the way it is for me. It’s not good, it’s not bad. It just is. Now I could kick a fit and feel as though I got short-handed and resent the fact that I am too short, muscular, and not exotic enough to look like the fashion models, or the new girl an ex is dating. But at the end of the day, will that really enhance my life experience? Will it change things? Or will it just create less peace, less love, and an experience of living in a body I will always see as IMPERFECT?

Do you see where I am going with this?

Love, Peace, and feeling grateful and happy about your body does not come as a result of achieving the perfect body first.

NO. You must first achieve Peace and Love within you, and therefore be experiencing it all around you, if you expect to truly experience what it feels like to live inside YOUR perfect body.

Are you with me?

Let me tell you about a little spell that most of us have fallen asleep under. It’s the spell that curses you to believe that happiness, love, peace, and a fit and sexy body come from something outside of yourself. For anyone who has ever achieved a “perfect body” as a result of reaching outside themselves, will tell you this:

Either the physical results don’t last, or the happiness from the results don’t last, or BOTH.

Trust me. I have been a 4-time all around Figure Champion and a 6-time all around Fitness Champion, and was well on my way to becoming a successfully and professionally sponsored fitness model. However, I chose to take a different road and thank God I did. I was lucky, and realized pretty early on in my budding career as a fitness star, that the life and the body I was living in, was NOT going to provide me with sustainable health, happiness, or hotness.

In fact, that way of living, thinking, and being was going to age me, depress me, AND lead me away from who I was born to be.

I didn’t realize ALL of that then, but I had enough trust in my intuition to follow something in my gut that just didn’t feel right about the path I was on. Today I fully understand what my body was telling me back then. It was telling me I was UNHAPPY.

Throughout my entire life up until that point, I had used every bit of my energy to please others, to get the attention I believed I needed to feel good enough, and to come in first prize so the world had no reason to ignore or disrespect me. However, the problem wasn’t the world.


I didn’t love myself. I didn’t pay attention to, or respect me, and this projected from inside of me onto my outside world experience, and thus it was exactly what I began to look for from things outside myself.

Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with getting acknowledged, loved, and appreciated by others. These are good things to experience, they feel amazing, and they can definitely be a form of support throughout our lives. However, no one else’s love, attention, and respect will ever have the power to take away our happiness or grant us happiness. Only the way in which we treat ourselves has the power to do that.

Man. These are lessons I sure have learned the hard way, but I  tell you what, I wouldn’t take back any of it because I am so grateful to know what I know now!

I love the way I feel in my body, in my relationships, in my career, and in my life, and YOU CAN TOO!

Until I saw that having a perfect body didn’t actually give me long-term fulfilment, and therefore Love and Peace were not going to come as a result either, I didn’t know that I had it all backwards.


It’s NOT:

YOUR Perfect Body, Love, and Peace.


It IS:

Peace, Love, and YOUR Perfect Body.

The order of the words in the title of this message are that way FOR A REASON. Their order IS THE MESSAGE I am delivering to you today.

We must find peace, access love, and when we do these things, we get to live in our Perfect Body.

Are you feeling how I felt when this message first penetrated my consciousness? I hope so because I have some very exciting news!

I am going to be doing a FREE call for one hour just on this topic.

This is what you’ll get if you join us on the call:

1) I am going to be sharing  3 of the my most favorite tools to help you:

– shift from anxiety, dissapointment, and irritability, to a peaceful place within

– to feel more love and respect for yourself and therefore others

– to connect to the vision you have for YOUR perfect body

2) I am going to be answering as many as 3 questions at the end for some one-on-one coaching that everyone on the call will get to benefit from.

3)  3 days after the LIVE call with me, you will be receiving a recording of the call that will be sent to your email. This way you can listen to it as much as you want, and if you happen to miss the actual call, you can listen to it later!

So, are you going to meet me on the call?


Friday April 20, 201 at 7pm EST (United States) which is the same as Saturday April 21, 2012 at 9am (Brisbane, Australia time). I am in Australia, but this call is open to almost anyone in the world.

Please click on the link below for all the information you need about the call and so you can register. You will find all the Dial-In details you need for your country by clicking on this link below.

Hurry hurry! spaces are limited and it will fill up fast 🙂

Sending you all SO much LOVE and LIGHT!



Want to live your life to the fullest? If you’re ready for change, serious about investing in yourself, and ready to work with a coach, send an email to The E.L.M. Personal Growth Mentoring Program is an intense and highly effective way to release your mental, physical, and emotional blocks so you can finally live your dreams. It’s an investment in your health and happiness. Serious inquiries only.