This is me…hanging out upside-down after yesterday’s morning yoga sesh! When you see something you want, are you intimidated or inspired? Let that which draws you to it, remind you that you can, you are, and you will. What u see is merely a reflection of something that already exists within you!
Right now I am sipping on an “Energy Plus,” which consists of Maca Root, Raw Chocolate, Herbal Chai, a Bali Boost (so many vitamins and minerals I cannot list), Unhade Gato (for the immune system), Date, and Cashew milk whilst I sit post-yoga and orgasmic salad lunch at Down To Earth restaurant. I have only been here for 2 full days and the beginning of this one, and I have already accomplished a HUGE goal.
Wait for it…
I have officially tried EVERY healthy cafe on my list! WINNING!
That said, I am sure there are many more.
You have heard that saying “Follow your Bliss.” Well for me that could translate into so many things:
Follow the Raw Cacao!
Follow the OM!
Follow the Spirulina!
Follow the Kale!
Cheesy? Perhaps, but I am sorry, these are the simple things in life that bring me me SO MUCH JOY. This basically means, in a place like Ubud, Bali…I am in heaven.
Ok, let’s talk about yesterday. Please excuse me if I jump around. I’m on a huge food, drink, and yoga buzz! Who knew that you could get drunk and high without alcohol and drugs??? I admit, I am now the kind of person I would have made fun of 5 years ago! “Oh she’s one of those weird people who eat all that weird food.” Not sure how I ended up here but I don’t care…I am staying!
Speaking of getting high…I had an interesting conversation with my teacher and now new friend, Joey Myers, yesterday right before he taught us Vinyasa Flow class at Radiantly Alive.
He said “Everyone is here for a fix, you know, we are all after that high we get from this lifestyle, post yoga, post green smoothie, etc. Yoga is an addiction, but is that such a bad thing when it could be heroine or cigarettes?”
This got me contemplating. Hmmmm…Is yoga an addiction? Am I addicted to yoga? It certainly is a far better addiction to have than the ones I use to choose, so perhaps he is right?
Obviously I cannot speak for you or anyone else, but I have to say after a lot of thought and exploring this concept, this is the conclusion I have come to for myself.
Yoga certainly CAN be an addiction, just like many things. However, the ultimate lessons we are exposed to as we practice is letting go of our attachments. This means letting go of our attachments to feeling good, letting go of expecting to feel good, and simply releasing all attachments we have to results, outcomes, and destinations.
Personally I have experienced a very unique kind of high when I do this, and it’s called snorting a big fat line of BEING IN THE MOMENT!
It’s exhilarating, inspiring, exciting, and yet there is a fear of it ending, which then takes us out of the moment, and we start to come down from that high.
As we practice more and more, which is really all life is at the end of the day, one big long practice, we get stronger and better at BEING. We become less concerned with what may or may not happen, and we simply begin to ride the wave of what IS happening.
Ahhhhh, now this is when it gets really fun.
As I spoke about yesterday, this trip is very much of a purging, a releasing, a shedding of unnecessary layers for me, and if you saw the puddles of sweat I left behind in class this morning, you too would know as well as I do, that I am literally being WRUNG OUT. It’s a cleansing and although it feels amazing in many ways, it also feels confronting in others.
That said, I much prefer being WRUNG OUT than my past experiences of being STRUNG OUT 😉Â
Yesterday I had some more really big charges come up around work stuff. I found myself really wanting to be available for my clients because I LOVE MY JOB, and I LOVE MY CLIENTS, and yet my intuition was very loud and clear that I am meant to disconnect from coaching whilst I am going through this process here in Ubud, Bali. Feelings of guilt, fear, and shame all filled my belly and heart as I kept trying to schedule appointments all the while knowing it was ultimately a dis-service I would be doing to my clients AND myself! So, I sat in meditation and asked for some guidance regarding my clients and working with them while I am here.
This is the message I received:
“Erin, this is a sacred time for you, a time that will bring you AND your clients much insight and joy IF, and ONLY IF you allow yourself the time to fully embrace this experience. This situation was created for you because because this is showing you where you are still making people your God, where you are still afraid to surrender fully, and where you still think that you will be punished for listening and following through with your innermost truth. I need you to TRUST me now. You have a God and they are not it. Surrender to me fully, and KNOW that you are being taken care of in ways beyond your comprehension and so are your clients.”
It was an intense message to receive, but I knew what I had to do. So I emailed them and let them know. It was hard, but Healer must heal thyself right?
What could possibly be better for us and others, than listening to that Divine Guidance we feel from within?
Our minds will never be able to understand HOW in the heck this intuition could possibly be correct, which is why the mind will try to get us to doubt it and ultimately to not listen to it.Â
One of the greatest lessons I have learned, am learning, and will continue to be learning for the rest of my life, is this:
Clear thy vessel so I can access the intuition, the Divine Information, the Internal GPS system. Eat and drink clean, high vibrational foods and fluids, make conscious choices, take pure actions, and this way of life makes it easier to access our innermost truth. Once we have access, we must practice the art of TRUSTING what we see, hear, feel, and KNOW deep down. Then, as a result of our trust, we must let our life be guided by these internal directions, we must follow through with the messages of love that we receive.Â
Some days this is easy, other days not so easy. When it gets too hard, I call on other people to help me, like my friend Priscilla Stephan, once a client, and now a barter that I have in my life because we trade our services to help each other through the harder days. I called on her yesterday to do an Akashic Record Reading with me, and sure enough it confirmed that what I heard earlier in the day, was absolutely spot on.
It doesn’t matter if things are hard or easy, as long as we remain AWARE, as long as we are doing the very best we can in each moment.
You do not have to eat kale salads and drink green juices to listen to your heart. Anyone can do it. The only ingredients required are:
Willingness: To step into the unknown and get uncomfortable.
Vulnerability: Sharing who you know yourself to REALLY be within, regardless of the outcome.
Courage: To follow through on your intuitive hunch even if you are the only person put of 100 million who is doing it differently.
So, how do you feel in this moment? Can you simply breathe into it, to just BE with what IS, right now, right here? Can you hear your heart speaking to you? Can you trust it enough to listen? If you don’t feel ready yet, do not judge yourself. Life is one big practice session 🙂 So practice. You WILL get stronger I promise.
Ok, time to head back to my villa and go for a swim! Please write to me with any questions or comments here on the blog or email me at [email protected].
Lots of love. See you tomorrow!
Do want to live your life to the fullest? If you are ready to walk the path of self-love, experience greater connection in relationships, and deepen your awareness of your own Inner Guru + you are serious about investing in yourself, then perhaps you are ready to work with me one-on-one! If this is YOU, please send an email to [email protected]. The E.L.M. Inner Guru Mentoring Program is an exciting, heart opening, highly effective way to re-connect you to your highest-self, so you can live a life you love in a body you love. It’s an investment in your health and happiness. Serious inquiries only. Thank you and Namaste 🙂
LOVE darling! 🙂