Today was an interesting day. I was reminded that so often, positive and healthy transformation, is a result of doing things we DON”T WANT TO DO…at least initially. Does this resonate with you? If you haven’t noticed, almost everything “good...

What Should I Eat???

??????? Did you know there are over 125 dietary theories? I am learning about all of these theories at IIN, and I have to say, they all make sense!!! Here’s the thing, all the diets out there do work, but the problem is, they only work temporarily, and most...

Movement Feeds the Soul!!!

What’s Up guys! I am feeling pretty good after a very productive week. I actually got off to such a great start after last weekend, because last Saturday and Sunday I got my butt back into dance classes! I took a Hip-Hop class and an African Brazilian class at...


Hey everyone! Wow, what a week! I have had so much going on? How about you? Do you ever feel overwhelmed, like you just can’t keep up? Does your fitness and nutrition tend to fall by the wayside? How much of a priority do you make your health and wellness when...


JUNK, JUNK, and MORE JUNK…WHY?????? Do you ever notice how much food convenience stores stock up on? I was in a gas station “market” today and I was hit by the shocking reality that there was so much food, but it was all CRAP. They have every kind of...