Movement Feeds the Soul!!!

What’s Up guys! I am feeling pretty good after a very productive week. I actually got off to such a great start after last weekend, because last Saturday and Sunday I got my butt back into dance classes! I took a Hip-Hop class and an African Brazilian class at...


Hey everyone! Wow, what a week! I have had so much going on? How about you? Do you ever feel overwhelmed, like you just can’t keep up? Does your fitness and nutrition tend to fall by the wayside? How much of a priority do you make your health and wellness when...

How Bad Do You Want It?

Whether it’s fat loss, muscle gain or better health…HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT??? Do you ever get sick of hearing yourself  talk and talk about all the things you plan to do, and then never do? Or maybe you know someone like that. I am working on a big...

Nutrition Tuesday- “Be Aware”

When we are kids we learn to eat for comfort, celebration, happiness, as a reward, or something to sooth our pain. Do you struggle with cravings? Do you ever find yourself over eating? Or maybe you stick to a certain diet for a good while, but then find it impossible...

Workout Wednesday-“Fitness for Fun”

I am always telling my clients how important it is to make fitness fun. If you don’t have fun with what you are doing, you won’t do it as much, or get as good of results. Whenever I start to get bored with things, I start exploring and experimenting with...