by Erin Lanahan | Feb 18, 2014 | Awakening, Inspiration, Love, Personal Growth
Every day that I wake up is another day for me to create Consciously or UNconsciously. I wasn’t always Conscious about having such a choice. When we create Consciously, we are moving through each day with a deep level of INNER AWARENESS, a seeing, a watching, an...
by Erin Lanahan | Aug 13, 2013 | Awakening, Inspiration, Love, Relationships, Uncategorized
I suppose we could call ME courageous for even writing this article right? Why? I say this because, just like you, I have that same little niggling voice that says: “Who are YOU to be giving tips on living a courageous life? What if they think you’re a...
by Erin Lanahan | May 17, 2013 | Awakening, Healing, Love, Personal Growth, Spirituality
Freedom and flexibility are not a result of our external limitations falling away, but rather the result of how we respond to the internal obstacles that we discover along the way. – E.L.M. As a coach, a client, a teacher, and a student, I have the opportunity...
by Erin Lanahan | Jan 15, 2013 | Awakening, Inspiration, Spirituality, Success
It was so great to hear from so many of you after posting my last article on Monday. I promise that my interactions with YOU, are what keep me strong and willing to face anything in my life. Thank you for participating, for sharing your stories with me, and for...
by Erin Lanahan | Jan 14, 2013 | Awakening, Love, Relationships, Spirituality
“Suffering is not in the fact, but rather in our perception of the fact.” -Sri Bhagavan Yes, I am finally sitting down to write to all of you about my experiences in India November 20-December 25, 2012. Many of you have emailed me about when I would be...