by Erin Lanahan | Feb 24, 2012 | Inspiration, Life Empowerment Coaching, Love, motivational, Success, Uncategorized
Wow…what a concept right? That’s right, begin BEFORE you know how it ends, IS what I am saying. Why? Well as all of you know, I have done my very best to be open with you, to share my ups and downs with you, and to keep my heart as open and vulnerable to...
by Erin Lanahan | Feb 10, 2012 | Healing, Inspiration, Life Empowerment Coaching, Love, Success, Uncategorized
I want to talk a little bit about WHY it is so important to keep going, ESPECIALLY when it may feel the most challenging. In my experience, when things get the hardest, it means we are the CLOSEST. Hang in there just a little bit longer and you’ll see what I...
by Erin Lanahan | Feb 9, 2012 | Awakening, Healing, Inspiration, Life Empowerment Coaching, Love, motivational, Success
Honesty… Honestly, how honest are you with yourself and with others on a daily basis? My guess is that most people are only ever half-honest with themselves at best. Our lack of honesty with others is not intentional most of the time, it’s just a...
by Erin Lanahan | Feb 8, 2012 | Healing, Inspiration, Life Empowerment Coaching, Love, motivational, Spirituality
Your Most Awesome Life? What is that? Do you actually KNOW or do you just think you know? It is a very common mistake we all make, to assume we know the plan, and then to get upset, angry, sad, and frustrated when it doesn’t work out. When this happens, we begin...
by Erin Lanahan | Feb 7, 2012 | Awakening, Healing, Inspiration, Life Empowerment Coaching, Love, Success
A Broken Heart… It’s something most of us have probably had once, twice, or many times. As you all know, I speak from my heart as best I can. I share my truth, my triumphs, my pain, my experiences, and my joy with you, for both you and for me. I believe...